This FAQ is still under construction and all items may not be complete or clearly detailed yet. Thanks for your understanding.



Yes, membership is free on 3record.

We run this service as a hobby, maintaining it costs us a small something but we are not doing it for the money. In exchange, we kindly ask you not to abuse from our service (our ressources are not unlimited) or we will have to take measures against you. There is no official support provided as well, but we try our best to keep everything running smoothly and everyone happy.

Yes, registration is currently open if you are using Strava. Manual import of activities or other import services are currently not officially supported however.

To register, go to and click on the orange button "Connect with Strava". The process then goes as follows:

  1. You are redirected to Strava, where you have to login and accept to share your data.
  2. You are then brought back to 3record, where you have to fill in your personal data (see below if you have troubles estimating your metric values).
  3. Your account is directly usable and you can start importing activities by the menu under your name on the top right.
  4. An email is sent to you to verify your address. Please follow the link, as unverified accounts may cause troubles with some features.

Strava is not required for the basic functionality of 3record but is greatly advised. It is also currently the only registration method supported.

If you really want an account without Strava, you can contact us.

There is no automated way to delete an account. Please contact us if you want your data to be removed.

The only think you can change for now is your password (under the member panel, and if you have one already).

More options will come with future developments.

No, this is not implemented yet. Anyway, new alerts are generated on activity import only which is not automated for now. It might come in the future though.

Strava and import services

You can import one strava activity specifically by calling the page<strava_id>, where <strava_id> is the id of the activity on Strava (the number in the URL,<strava_id>).

This is actually what the page does for you in the background after having fetch the ids of the new activities.

Although 3record does not receive push notifications from Strava, it is possible to achieve auto-import of new activities on Strava via IFTTT integration.

Refer to the about section on IFTTT for this and your member panel for your IFTTT token.

Manual import of TCX and FIT file is currently not activitated.

Basic functionality has been implemented but not fully tested and is not up to par with Strava import, for which reason it is not available for members at the moment. Sorry for the inconvenience.

No, it is not forseen for now. Manual import of files may come (see above) but probably not other APIs in the near future.

Some have asked us about a direct import from Garmin Connect. Due to the expensive licence application fee of $5000, this is not an option compatible with our free service though.

Metrics and activities

FTP, and to a less extend CP (Critical Power), are largely discussed on forums about cycling. The definitions do not always match exactely but the general idea is that it should correspond to the most intense effort you could sustain on a relatively long term (without going too much in the anaerobic regime). While this is a vague definition, quite good results are obtained for triathletes by using the following values:

  • Swim: about 1500m pace in s/100m
  • Bike: about 95% of the watts hold for 20min
  • Run: about 10km pace in s/1000m

If you know your FTP values better than that or are used to different FTP test, then feel free to enter those instead!

On the other hand, if these values are still to difficult to estimate for you, here are tables given as examples.

Give examples taken from phenotyping

Please also refer to

W'bal is your energy reserve, i.e. in the CP model, the power above your FTP integrated over time. Typical values are 20-25kJ.

While it is hard to estimate, it is still an interesting value to look at. When doing a hard effort such as a 10 to 30min race, you should typically see it drop to close to zero as you reach exhaustion. A too fast decrease and negative values are often caused by an under-estimated FTP.

The lactate threshold is generally found by taking the average heartrate in the second part of an FTP test. The reason is that it will still drift in the first half of a test but should stay relatively constant in the second half if the effort is well paced.

The value is used to compute TRIMP points for your activities with heartrate data.

There can be multiple reasons why your TSS is wrong on an activity and the solution to the problem may differ. Here are a list of points to check though:

  1. Check metrics origin: check that the automatically determined metrics origin is set to an option that makes sense for the current activity. If you know your powermeter had a problem for instance, change this option manually by editing the activity and saving should trigger a recompute.
  2. Stream spikes or errors: if you have the metrics origin from a stream, check that it has no big spike or erroneous value. Otherwise, either change the metric origin option or edit the stream (see below).
  3. Check your metrics: a wrongly set metric can also introduce errors in the final TSS. In particular, check that FTP, weight, and height are set correctly. Remember that the latest value in the past (from the activity start time) is used in the computation.

In case you tried these options but still could not figure out what happened, you can contact us for help; please specify activity id for this (number in the URL).

Go to the activity and in the actions menu, choose edit streams. You will the be guided through how to edit your stream which you finally will have to do using custom expressions (namely alter_activity_stream).

If the stream turns out to be so bad that the data is completely useless, you are advised to change the metrics origin chosen for the computations (see "Can I remove one stream from an activity?" below).

Yes, you can if you use the custom expressions.
For this, you should simply use the alter_activity_laps function, passing the new timepoints as arguments. You can even ask 3record to guess when the intensity change occured by using a changepoint algorithm. For more information, please refer to which contains an example on how to do this.

There is no way to do that on 3record. The best solution is to crop the activity on strava, delete it from 3record and re-import the cropped version.

No, this option is currently not implemented in 3record.
If the stream in question causes you troubles, you can either delete the activity on 3 record, edit it using another tool and then re-import it.
Another solution that may be acceptable for you is to change manually the metrics origin by editing the activity directly on 3record. It will not remove the stream but data derived from it will no longer be used for long term metrics.

It is possible yes, but it is not available to every user as it is still in development. You can ask us if you have a larger number of activities to update.

You can perform custom analysis using ExprEval (see below), however there is no way of adding personalized metrics. If you have a suggestion, please let us know.

Coach and sharing features are currently not fully available.

Here's what you can already do though:

  • Share one activity with anyone: go to the activity page and on the actions menu, click on share link. You will be asked to create a token, which you can then share and anyone (registered or not) with this token will have a read access to that specific activity.
  • Show all your activities to another member: this member has read access to all your data but cannot modify them. Full access with write permissions as well is also possible if you trust this person. Linking members is an operation only us can do for now, so please contact us if you want to test this beta feature.


Note: the solution below is a temporary solution that will be merged into the global plan menu (with macro and micro cycles) in the future.

Planning is possible currently by clicking in a future date on the calendar and entering a planned TSS for a certain day. The data will then appear in your PMC chart with the computed expected ATL, CTL and TSB.

However, due to the current implementation, it is not possible to specify the sport and the information from planned activities will be deleted once the date of them is reached.

This is currently a work in progress.

Workout library and workout creator is available under This allows you to share workouts with others or browse the public library and see metrics such as TSS, or W'bal being precomputed in live.

However, adding these workouts to the calendar then to plan the week or season is sadly not implemented yet.

No, this is currently not possible. It is an idea we might pursue in the future but is on hold for now.


Yes you can. Go on the calendar and click the "Recompute Totals" button that is located under the arrow next to the hourly week summary. This will recompute your PMC from the corresponding Monday until the latest of today and your last planned activity.

This is probably due to some spikes in the NP stream of an activity.

Debugging those spikes is best done by going to tha analysis page ( and however the chart. This will give you the date on which your best MMP for the corresponding duration occured. By going in the calendar, it is then easy to retrieve which activity caused this error and edit the stream if it is incorrect.

Short answer: go to ExprEval.

Longer answer: all the data from the training is yours, and this is why we made sure you can access all of it easily. What serves as an equivalent of an API is the expreval page where you can query all sorts of things and use most of the common analysis functions we have programmed. For more extended analysis, the data output is very similar to MATLAB arrays and shouldn't be difficult to import in any mathematical software.


Please check that you are connected if you are trying to access a member-restricted page. Most of the errors are due to the fact that 3record returns 404 pages when you don't have the right to access the page (for security reasons).

If this is not the case, check the url in the address bar. If you think one of our link is wrong, please contact us.

Probably one of the metric (height, weight, FTP, ...) needed for the calculation is not set. Go on the Metric tab, check that it is defined (at a previous date than the activity you are trying to import or recompute!), and try again.

Strava API requests are limited on a per-service basis. If many 3record users perform imports at the same time, it can happen that we hit the limit and imports will fail until the counter is reset by Strava. The reset happens every 15 minutes, so retry in a while or contact us if that happens regularly.

Sometimes the page reloads during the import, then your activity is already imported by the time you see the message. Please check in the calendar if the activity is already there. If not, try importing with a different timestamp.

Some activities may need a lot of computing time to get the metrics right. However after 30s the server gives up. Please contact us with the id of the activity (3record id or strava id) and we'll see what we can do.

Best is to use Bitbucket (see "Bug tracker" link at the bottom): no need to register, and you'll get results the fastest. But you can also send us an email.



  • Try zooming on a portion of an activity by click and hold on the little elevation graph.
  • Try zooming on a lap of an activity by clicking on the lap details in the lower right table. Click again to unzoom.
  • Try clicking on one day of the PMC graph to get links to the corresponding activities on top of the graph.

First, thank you very much!

We currently do not have an official support channel set up. But start by reporting errors you may find or suggest ways to improve. And if you want to go further, do not hesitate to contact us.